Morning Tour 9.30am to 12pm Afternoon Tour 2pm to 4.30pm
What better way is there to spend a morning or afternoon with friends or family?
Come and join us on our little farm for your very own, personalised
interactive tour!
Priced according to your specific requirements, see below

Learn about what we do, some background and fun facts about each of these wonderful animals, how to care for them and get interactive!
Each session begins with a little welcome and safety talk in our newly converted visitor centre equipped with café and toilet facilities before heading out on to the farm to spend time with all of the animals.
In each location there will be opportunities for cuddles, feeding, brushing, selfies (of course!) and general animal loveliness! Have a go at herding alpacas into a pen, give them a shower on warm days or do an obstacle course with the goats!
This visit is just for you, so if you want to spend more time in one place than another you can - we will take our lead from you and do whatever we can to make sure that you have the experience that you want.

After visiting all of the animals, take a trip around the farm with our lovely vintage tractor and trailer and see if you can spot/match all the animals and numbers dotted around in our fun (and entirely optional!) quiz.
At the end of the session when everyone is cuddled out and bone rattled from the bumpy tractor ride, we head back to the visitor centre. Here you are welcome to stay and buy refreshments and a little souvenir of the day if you wish.
As a parting gift from us, we will give you a printed photograph of a moment from your day to take home to remember us by :)

The visits are designed to be enjoyed by all ages, but due to the close interaction with the animals, we do ask that there are no children below the age of 4yrs. We also very much welcome children and adults with special needs, as it is widely recognised that interacting with animals and nature is tremendously beneficial. We are working towards making the farm fully wheelchair accessible but regret that, at the moment, it is not.